Boys out drinking. What do they talk about?? Girls, of course. This conversation would make women cringe. Here goes.
About Girl 1:
Guy 1 – She was so cute. I used to bang her, but then she got fat.
About Girl 2:
Guy2 – Yeah, she’s hot.
Guy 1- No one at school could get that.
Guy2- She’s a tough nut to crack.
Guy1- Yeah, I was with her overseas on an internship and she was tough (hard to get) there too.
About Girl 3:
Guy2- Didn’t you like (Girl 3)?
Guy1 – Yeah, we were talking, but it didn’t happen. There is so much sexual tension between us. She’s going out with someone now. But, the next time she breaks up with someone, I’ll be right there to bang her.
That’s it, ladies. Watch out during the re-bound and watch out for who’s keep score on conquests!